However, in my defense . . . hmm. Well, I spent time at the beginning of class selecting cotton threads for a member with lanolin allergy; but I'm not so sure we didn't all start stitching at about the same time. I'm just pokey.
I thoroughly enjoyed the day, not only with Barbara -- we roomed together Friday night, after dinner at Up the Creek, and went to lunch on Saturday, too -- but once again spending the day with EGA friends. We are small chapter and even smaller active membership, but we have a good time stitching, sharing and learning.
As my cohorts in crewel have mentioned, the threads are lovely for stitching. Unlike them, I have less experience with other brands; In July when we attend Judy Jeroy's Master Crewel class, we'll be working I suppose with the Appleton and I'll have something with which to compare the Heathway.
But, before that, we'll all see Barbara again at the Tennesse Valley Region's Share-A-Stitch seminar in Memphis!
I can not wait for us all to be in the her class at Share a stitch. I am almost finished with mine and I will post it before I head to Huntsville!
Your piece is just lovely too! :o) It was a lot of fun to stitch together. I'm looking forward to taking Barbara's class with you and Rissa, and then Judy's class with you. :o)
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