More on Strawberry Trio

I am pleased to announce that I actually finished this project! The photo is clickable.

It was a wonderful class and a cute design. It worked up very quickly and I was able to work on it while watching television. I did make some minor changes, like adding more seeds on the strawberries, but it was only enough to make it my own. If I were to do it over, I would make a few changes, but that is SOP for me.

3rd in the trio

I'm almost ashamed to even post a photo of my Strawberry Trio, there is so little done on it compared to Lisa or Rissa . . .

However, in my defense . . . hmm. Well, I spent time at the beginning of class selecting cotton threads for a member with lanolin allergy; but I'm not so sure we didn't all start stitching at about the same time. I'm just pokey.

I thoroughly enjoyed the day, not only with Barbara -- we roomed together Friday night, after dinner at Up the Creek, and went to lunch on Saturday, too -- but once again spending the day with EGA friends. We are small chapter and even smaller active membership, but we have a good time stitching, sharing and learning.

As my cohorts in crewel have mentioned, the threads are lovely for stitching. Unlike them, I have less experience with other brands; In July when we attend Judy Jeroy's Master Crewel class, we'll be working I suppose with the Appleton and I'll have something with which to compare the Heathway.

But, before that, we'll all see Barbara again at the Tennesse Valley Region's Share-A-Stitch seminar in Memphis!

Strawberry Trio

Mississippi NeedleArts had a workshop with Barbara Jackson yesterday, and it was great. Cynthia and Rissa were also at the workshop, along with three of our other chapter members. Barbara Jackson is a very good teacher, and a delightful lady. I enjoyed meeting her and getting to chat with her as we stitched.

What I found most fascinating is that the yarns we used to stitch the project are her own. She uses a chemist in England to dye her yarns, and the colors are beautiful. The wool she uses is very nice also. I like her crewel wool much better than Appletons. Appletons shreds so easily as you are stitching with it that it can be extremely aggravating to stitch with. Not Heathway crewel wools! They stitch like a dream. I will definitely be using them for my future projects.

Here is a picture of my Strawberry Trio. What a great class! I'm looking forward to Share A Stitch seminar in June, when I will be taking another class with Barbara.